Timberland Co. commissioned a survey of 1,000 men and women in the United Kingdom to find out how important eco-conscious behaviors are within a relationship. While over half of Welsh men and women would question dating someone if they didn't take care of the environment in their day-to-day lives, a quarter of Southerners are looking for a lover who recycles. Londoners are twice as likely as the rest of the Nation to get lucky while volunteering and 60% of Scots would like to meet their next partner while enjoying the outdoors.
“Timberland's mission is to equip people for their outdoor experiences in ways that are easier on the environment,” explains Jim Davey, vice president of global marketing at Timberland. “But apparently, eco-conscious, outdoor gear and caring for the environment can equip you for a better love life as well.”
— 57 percent of Welsh people are turned on by eco-minded habits around the house including turning off lights and conserving water
— 25 percent of Southerners are turned off by people who don't recycle
— 20 percent of Londoners find charity work attractive compared to 10 percent in the rest of the country
— 60 percent of Scots want to meet a partner while enjoying the outdoors.