Sugoi was named Canada's Specialty Apparel Vendor of the Year by the Canadian Association of Specialty Running Stores.

The award results from a 2007 survey of CASRS specialty running store
members, and is the first award program of its kind conducted by the
organization. CASRS notes, “While CASRS’ mission is to serve as a
representative face for independent running retailers, the range of
products your company offers is much wider than specialty running
alone. In light of this, the fact that you are our Top Apparel Vendor
speaks volumes about your business model.”

Stan Mavis, president of Sugoi, said, “This award is immensely
fulfilling. We are dedicated to creating products that create great
running experience for our consumers and to maintaining the highest
level of collaboration with the specialty running trade. Having the
Canadian Association of Specialty Running Stores recognize that
dedication is a great reward.”