Sports Specialists Limited (SSL), the buying group, has developed a newly redesigned website complete with the new
Sports Specialists Blog and several new short videos spotlighting some
of its members at this year's annual Winter Sports Market. The three
videos provide a more personal insight to the Winter Sports Market and
the benefits of SSL membership.
In 2011, Sports Specialists Limited (SSL) will celebrate its 40th year as a cooperative buying sporting goods organization.
John Sullivan of East Coast Alpine, Danvers and Boston, Massachusetts, discusses the perks of the Winter Sports Market in his video: “[As a member of SSL], we get the opportunity to come before the biggest ski show of the year, the Winter Sports Market. It really differentiates us from the rest of the industry. Buyers and owners are going to see next year's products for the first time, whereas I'm going into the show completely educated on what's going on.”
In addition to the video features, Sports Specialists Limited has added another new component to their website: the Sports Specialists Blog. Here, members can find timely industry news updates, exclusive buying opportunities and share business information with other members from across the country. The advantage of being able to share stories and advice without the competitive worry has proven to be one of SSL's greatest attractions to members, as Alan Davis of Princeton Sports in Maryland discusses in his testimonial:
“I think the biggest benefit is to be able to get into a room with other people who are sharing the same problems and ideas that you have. The amount of knowledge we get out of the meetings and just having the ability to call different people with different questions is invaluable and almost becomes like a second family. There's no price you can put on that.”
The website is: