The Sierra Club plans to launch a new television series with award winning filmmaker Robert Greenwald, the creative talent behind “Outfoxed” and “Wal-mart: The High Cost of Low Price.”

Sierra Club Chronicles will capture the dramatic efforts of committed individuals across the country working everyday to protect the health of their environment and their communities.

“All over America, there are inspirational, real life stories of women and
men defending their homes, health and families from environmental hazards
and threats,” explained Carl Pope, Executive Director of the Sierra Club.
“'Sierra Club Chronicles' will take viewers directly into those communities
and provide a first hand look at these profiles in environmental courage.”

The people and stories profiled in “Sierra Club Chronicles” come from
diverse backgrounds: ranchers in New Mexico, emergency medical technicians
in New York City, fishermen in Alaska, neighbors of a chemical plant in
Mississippi, but all are united in a common cause – the fight to protect
their families, communities and the lands and livelihoods they love from
pollution, corporate greed and short-sighted government policies.

“Sierra Club Chronicles” consists of seven half-hour episodes that will
launch on Link TV on January 12, 2006 immediately following the ACLU's
original half hour program, “Freedom Files.” One new program will premiere
the second Thursday of each month at 8:30 PM Eastern and Pacific through
July 2006. Link Satellite TV is on DirecTV channel 375 and Dish Network
channel 9410. (

Beyond the initial television broadcast DVDs and videos of “Sierra Club
Chronicles” will be available for consumers, educators, and other
organizations. In addition, Sierra Club volunteers and allies will host
house parties to view the episodes and encourage viewers to take action on
the issues. For information on all the episodes and ways to take action
visit the series website

“Sierra Club Chronicles” is made possible by the generous support of the
Ford Foundation.