SGMA has launched a LinkedIn Group Page with more than 950 members. The group, which is run by SGMA, provides a forum for anyone in the sporting goods industry to discuss topics ranging from football helmet safety to the latest in social media. Users are able to post relevant news stories and discussions as well as have the opportunity to post comments on already posted topics.

“By using LinkedIn, SGMA is able to take advantage of one of the most pertinent social media sites available to the association. The great thing about LinkedIn is that it is free, user-friendly, and the SGMA Group Page can be accessed by anyone in the industry, not just executives,” says VJ Mayor, SGMA’s Business Operations Manager and creator of the SGMA LinkedIn page.

Although SGMA has had steady success with its LinkedIn Group Page, the association is not content. It recognizes social networking sites, such as LinkedIn, need to be in constant communication with its followers in order to prosper. According to Mayor, SGMA is looking to have increased communication on the page from SGMA President/CEO Tom Cove.

Created in June of this year, the SGMA LinkedIn Group Page sent out invitations through the social networking site to SGMA Member companies. After the initial round of invitations was sent, access to the group shifted to its current state where prospective members must request to be accepted into the group. After a basic screening process, users are either accepted or declined into the SGMA LinkedIn Group Page. It is important to note that the group is exclusive to anyone in the sporting goods industry. To request an invitation to the group, click here.