Saris partnered with Uber to launch UberPedal in Seattle Oct. 10 to allow the growing number of cyclists in the city to order an Uber car with Saris bike racks.
The venture seeks to capitalize on the convergence the shared economy and urban mobility trends in Seattle. The city opened new protected bike lanes on 2nd Avenue this summer and on Monday, Pronto Cycle Share launched Seattle’s first-ever bike share program with support from REI and other corporate sponsors and bike dealers. Pronto is offering 500 bikes at 50 stations spread across neighborhoods throughout the city.
Uber, meanwhile, has been pioneering the concept of the shared economy with its app, which enables people to book rides in private vehicles with drivers cleared by Uber at substantial savings to using taxis. Uber’s founders came up with the idea in 2009, after noticing that Millennials, or those between the ages of 16 and 34, drove an average 7,900 miles, down almost 25 percent from 10,300 miles in 2001.
“If you are in need of a ride, be it due to weather, due to need of bike maintenance, due to sobriety (or lack thereof), your Uber driver can take you AND your bike to your destination,” the companies said in a shared blog post. “We are excited about this partnership for what it brings to the people of Seattle – two innovative companies partnering together to further push transportation options and to respond to the new demands of the consumers.”