Report: JJB to Close 46 Lifestyle Stores

Reports out of the U.K. have KPMG, which was named administrator of JJB's lifestyle Original Shoe Company and Qube stores, closing 46 of the 77 door in operation. This move will in turn cause 438 positions to become unnecessary for the retailers. The leftover inventory following the closures will be sold through the remaining 31 stores, while a buyer for the chain is sought.

In brighter news for JJB, the company's online golf division is reporting that sales at the beginning of 2009 have increased by over 400% year on year with an increase seen in the number of returning customers and significant uptake on their promotional deals and improved range of products. A rise in sales of higher priced products like training systems and GPS devices have also helped drive the growth.

Report: JJB to Close 46 Lifestyle Stores

Reports out of the U.K. have KPMG, which was named administrator of JJB's lifestyle Original Shoe Company and Qube stores, closing 46 of the 77 door in operation. This move will in turn cause 438 positions to become unnecessary for the retailers.


The leftover inventory following the closures will be sold through the remaining 31 stoers, while a buyer for the chain is sought.


In brighter news for JJB, the company's online golf division is reporting that sales at the beginning of 2009 have increased by over 400% year on year with an increase seen in the number of returning customers and significant uptake on their promotional deals and improved range of products. A rise in sales of higher priced products like trainging systems and GPS devices have also helped drive the growth.


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