REI plans to grant $4.2 million this year to nonprofits across the country that work to preserve and maintain natural spaces through active volunteer programs. 

The company designates three percent of the previous year’s operating profit to its annual grants program. This year’s figure represents an increase of 13.5 percent from 2010, when REI distributed $3.7 million in such grants to 320 organizations.

Because REI employees have the most direct connection to local nonprofits, store employees nominate organizations from their local community. REI invites selected nominees to apply for grant funding. Eligible organizations must be outdoor nonprofits that promote active volunteerism through their programs, such as hands-on trail building or restoration events.

2011 applications were submitted throughout the spring and REI is currently notifying grant recipients in each of its communities. In the coming months, members and customers can visit their local REI store, the REI Blog or their local REI Facebook or Twitter page to learn more about REIs selected grant partners and how to get involved. A full list of the REIs 2010 grant recipients is available at