Probar has hired eight new rep agencies to focus on the  outdoor specialty channel. The inclusion of these top-tier agencies, covering the West Coast, Rocky Mountains, Western Lakes, Eastern Lakes, Mid-Atlantic and South Central, will more than double the size of Probar's national representation in the specialty outdoor market.

In response to growing consumer demand, new product lines and a renewed commitment to the outdoor specialty market, Probar is growing their national rep force from less than 20 to more than 50, while partnering with top-tier agencies that represent complementary brands and have strong retail relationships in their respective regions.

“I am extremely proud to be partnered with such high quality agencies,” said Colin True, PROBAR national sports and outdoor sales manager, “Not only do these agencies share our passion for fantastic tasting real food, but they also have the firepower to carry PROBAR’s momentum into the specialty outdoor marketplace.”

PROBAR’s new agency roster includes:

  • West Coast: Far West Associates, Principals: Stan Ross, Mike Matranga
  • Rocky Mountains: Mountain Source, Principal: RJ Guiney
  • South Central: The Spiridon Group, Principal: Justin Webster
  • Western Lakes: The Holton Sales Group, Principals: Jim and Cindy Holton
  • Eastern Lakes: Waypoint Sales & Training, Principals: Sam Powers
  • New England: The Franconia Group, Principal: Brian Hamann
  • Mid-Atlantic: MVP Sales, LLC, Principal: Mike Longo
  • Southeast: The Summit Group, Principal: Jim Kelly