SSI Data: The 10 Best Selling Backpacks for Summer 2017

Writer: Carly Terwilliger SSI Data, the leading retail point-of-sale data provider serving the active lifestyle industry, released the Top 10 Best Selling Backpacks for Summer 2017. Osprey continues to own the Outdoor Technical Packs category, with its Men’s Atmos and Women’s Aura backpacks controlling 15 percent of the market. According to the SSI Data team, other top brands Gregory, Deuter and Kelty will continue to be successful, but they won’t steal share from the Osprey juggernaut without a change in the market. “There are plenty of great pack companies in the market, but Osprey is the most attractive and relevant to the consumer,” said Odie Tucker, client solutions specialist, SSI Data.
Osprey’s success can be partially attributed to its effective branding, which is crucial for pack companies. And because Osprey excels at specialty channel distribution and makes a variety of well-constructed products – packs, travel luggage, hydration, organization – consumers are likely to come back for something else bearing the Osprey stamp. Looking beyond outdoor technical packs, hydration is also a noteworthy category for Osprey, as it has expanded its excellent warranty to its hydration bladders. The SSI Data Outdoor Technical Packs Top Sellers in the trailing 13-week period can be seen below. To learn more about SSI Data industry reviews, visit Booth #115 at Outdoor Retailer Summer Market. Photos courtesy Osprey, Top Sellers chart courtesy SSI Data