The National Shooting Sports Foundation (NSSF) launched an advertising campaign in opposition to S. 6005, legislation that would mandate the flawed technology of firearms microstamping in New York, according to recent release by the organization.
The 30-second radio spot, playing on stations in targeted upstate New York districts, encourages sportsmen to contact their state senator and urge him or her to oppose microstamping.
The NSSF says passage of this bill could result in hundreds of layoffs for New York workers as firearm factories consider moving out of the state. Furthermore, firearms manufacturers could be forced to abandon the New York market altogether, amounting to a de facto gun ban, rather than spend the astronomical amount of money needed to completely reconfigure their manufacturing and assembly processes.
“This is an extraordinarily dangerous bill,” said NSSF Senior Vice President and General Counsel Lawrence G. Keane. “As legislation that would mandate microstamping not only threatens law-abiding gun owners but our industry's ability to supply the nation's law enforcement officers and military with high-quality firearms, we are considering the defeat of S. 6005 a top priority.”
In addition to launching a radio ad campaign, NSSF has issued a legislative alert in the state and is planning a firearms industry press conference on the steps of the state capital.