New Balance in partnership with The Renewal Workshop has launched New Balance Renewed extending the life of imperfect or returned items. The program also offers customers a way to shop renewed products that New Balance said it guarantees to meet quality standards.

The Renewal Workshop uses a six-stage, zero-waste process where garments are sorted, graded, cleaned, repaired to like-new condition, inspected, and verified to joint quality standards, then given its certification.

“New Balance is constantly learning and evolving our approach to create quality, long-lasting design. In April 2021, TRW led a workshop during New Balance’s Design Week to help educate designers on how to intentionally design future apparel for repairability and garment recycling,” said John Stokes, director of global sustainability, New Balance. “Together with The Renewal Workshop, we’re keeping apparel in use for longer and learning how to design for circular.”

Photo courtesy New Balance