Moji, a Chicago-based company devoted to helping athletes recover and feel great though sports massage, ice and heat therapy, recently hired J&N Active Sports to service its dealers in specialty athletic stores throughout Colorado, Utah, Wyoming and New Mexico.
This business relationship now secures Moji representation in all 50 states.
“We are thrilled to welcome Blair Simpson to our wonderfully talented and productive sales force,” said Sheri Schiff, Moji director of sales. “Having sales representation throughout the country will help to ensure the growth of the Moji brand and solidify our product offerings to all regions.”
J&N Active Sports is headed up by Blair Simpson, an avid athlete with over 10 years of sales experience in the ski, run, cycling and outdoor industries. Im veryexcited to join a company that brings such a high level of quality and innovation to the recovery and pain relief marketplace stated Simpson.
Moji designs and sells its premium products for post-activity recovery and warm-up, post-operative and rehabilitating patients, and will continue to innovate into active recovery products consisting of sports massage, ice and heat therapy. Moji is a registered trademark with patents-pending on multiple products. Founded in 2007 by Victor Viner, the company is headquartered in Glenview, IL.