McDavid Inc. hired Mike DiMiele, who has previous experience working with sports therapy
companies, to expand and help manage its online community. This community is intended to allow athletes, coaches,
trainers, dealers and consumers to ask questions and get information
about McDavid, as it pertains to their specific interests.
“It's not that McDavid doesn't already have an active presence online,” McDavid Marketing Director Rey Corpuz says. “We've been using Facebook and Twitter for awhile, and have developed personal relationships with customers. We also have a B2B dealer site that allows our dealers and retailers to upload orders and download images, content and other information through those media. But the world of communication changes rapidly, and we want to be on the leading edge of what is on the horizon. We don't want to miss any opportunities.”
“Athletes have different needs depending on their sports of choice,” DiMiele says. “I'm here to make sure the lines of communication stay open and our customers get the same personalized attention online that they've always received offline.”
Corpuz explains that collegiate and pro teams have contacted the company to request specific variations of products for years, and because McDavid manufactures certain products in the U.S., the turnaround time for custom items is almost immediate.
“Lately, we have been receiving a lot of these requests online as well,” Corpuz says. “We have something that other large sports companies don't. We are flexible. We can make product changes instantly.”
And according to Corpuz, now that an online marketing specialist has joined the team, doing business with McDavid will be faster, easier and less cumbersome than ever.