Magic International's flagship event will move from four days to three this year in response to exhibitor and visitor requests. Magic, WWDMagic, Magic Kids and Sourcing at Magic are all affected by the change, which takes effect with this summer's event, slated for 25-27 August 2008 in Las Vegas.


“We are responding to our customers, and this decision was based on their requests,” said Chris DeMoulin, executive vice president of Advanstar’s Fashion Group and President of MAGIC International. “We are committed to delivering the most dynamic fashion trade experience with the most powerful buying and selling environment. Both exhibitors and buyers told us that a three-day show would allow for a more cost-efficient, time-sensitive and effective use of their resources.”


Magic International has announced further changes to the show, including three market-specific, on-site events covering women's wear, men's wear and street wear; new exhibitor seminars; a new buyer seminar; and regional meet and greet events for exhibitors and retailers.