Frank Hugelmeyer, President of Outdoor Industry Association issued the following statement today applauding House and Senate Interior Appropriation conferees for saving stateside Land and Water Conservation Fund.
“On behalf of over 4,000 businesses, over a million jobs and the 149 million Americans dependent on government leaders who ensure a close-to-home outdoor recreation infrastructure for their economic welfare and personal health, Outdoor Industry Association is thrilled that House and Senate conferees agreed to continue funding for the federal governments successful stateside Land and Water Conservation Fund,” said Hugelmeyer. “Senate Interior Appropriations Chairman Burns (R-MT) and Senators Salazar (D-CO) and Collins (R-ME) deserve special thanks for keeping this important state and local park and trail program — which was targeted by both the House of Representatives and the White House for elimination — alive. The legacy of this program is 40,000 parks and recreation destinations over 40 years and millions of healthy Americans; the future is more close-to-home recreation opportunities and higher quality of life in livable communities across America.”
Created in 1964, the LWCF Act directed $900 million per year in off-shore oil and gas royalties to create and protect Americas parks, forests, and wildlife refuges, and to provide dollars to states for creating state and local recreation opportunities.
Together, Stateside and Federal LWCF have been responsible for purchasing portions of many of Americas outdoor crown jewels: Rocky Mountain National Park, the Appalachian Trail, Acadia National Park, Denali State Park, Lake Havasu State Park, Flaming Gorge National Recreation Area, Green Mountain National Forest, Whitefish Lake, and more.
Stateside LWCF supporters faced tough odds in keeping this program alive. Earlier this year, both the House and the Bush Administration advocated zeroing out the program. In a letter to Congress, the Administration recommended complete elimination of the program. However, Senators Salazar and Collins were instrumental in organizing 42 Senators and the National Governors Association urged the Senate to fund this important program. The Senate Interior Appropriations Committee led by Senator Burns met with the House in Conference yesterday, and managed to protect $30 million for stateside LWCF in the FY06 budget.