The Los Angeles Police Department’s Bicycle Coordination Unit is moving forward with testing and evaluation of IZIP Express Police Bicycles at special events to further explore their viability under actual patrol conditions.

In May of 2010, Currie Technologies, the producer of the IZIP Express, supplied the LAPD Bicycle Coordination unit with prototype models for initial testing. With input and feedback from officers , the electric bike's components and design were further modified to ultimiately become a special purpose built policee edition model that could be added to LAPD’s arsenal of community policing tools.

On Wednesday May 11th at 9:30 AM, Larry Pizzi, Currie’s President, will present two IZIP Express Police Edition electric bicycles to LAPD DEputy Chief, Terry S. Hara and Sargeant Matthew Bygum, officer in charge of the LAPD Bicycle Coordination Unit. The formal presentation will be made at the company’s IZIP Store, which is located at 609 Lincoln Blvd. in Venice, CA. Members of the press are invited to attend.

“We are honored to have the opportunity to support the LAPD and the City of Los Angeles with their embrace of light electric vehicles, recognizing their duty of care to the environment as well as the citizens of Los Angeles” said Pizzi.

The IZIP Express Police Edition features Currie's Evo-Drive 2.0 Technology, which is designed to ampliify human power to that of a professional cyclist. The Express is powered by a patented dual planetary drive system that blends the power of a hi-torque 750-watt electric motor with human power to create one of the highest performance electric bikes on the market today. The mid-frame, removable power system provides exceptional balance, a lower center of gravity and superior handling, making it very well suited for community policing and security use.