Vice President, Brand Activation | Adidas North America

Kelly grew up in Oregon playing sports from youth soccer to collegiate volleyball and softball. Through sports she learned teamwork, winning, losing and leading. After supporting Kelly through college, her parents did their best to hide their concern as she proudly announced she was taking a job in the call center for a brand she loved (1-800-4Adidas, she still remembers the number). Sixteen years later, Adidas has given Kelly far more than a paycheck, it has given her life long friendships and where she met her husband.

EDUCATION & DEGREE(S) ACHIEVED: BA, Willamette University

I COULDN’T DO MY JOB WITHOUT: My team. The Adidas culture and the people that I work with are a huge part of what makes me so excited to do what we do. I gain so much inspiration from the amazing team around me; we play as a team, fight as a team and win as a team. We push each other in the best way possible, and I love every second of it.

MOST IMPORTANT THING I HAVE LEARNED: Being the most authentic version of you. To develop respect and trust, all starts with authenticity.

BEST ADVICE I WAS GIVEN OR THAT I WOULD GIVE: Listen more than you talk. Don’t take yourself too seriously.

BIGGEST CHALLENGE YOU’VE OVERCOME: Balancing motherhood and career. Tackling any challenge in life requires support, and I have an amazing husband who is there with me sharing the work and reminding me to laugh and enjoy it.

WHAT OR WHO HAS ENABLED YOU TO BECOME SUCCESSFUL: My parents. They always believed in me. My dad as a mentor; coaching, teaching and challenging. My mom as my ultimate advocate; encouraging, believing and seeing more in me than I could in myself.

WHAT YOU WOULD WANT YOUR LEGACY TO BE: The nice guy can finish first.

BIGGEST LIFE LESSON: It’s not only what you do but also how you do it that counts. Never be above doing the work.