The European Outdoor Group’s Sustainability Working Group (SWG) is inviting all attendees at ispo to join them for breakfast, with the aim of working together in providing a common industry sustainability solution.
Continuing the breakfast workshop series, the Sustainability Working Group’s ispo Breakfast will present feedback from the companies that have been piloting the Eco Index, an environmental assessment tool for apparel, equipment and footwear products containing environmental guidelines (best practices), performance indicators and metrics, and a comparative scoring system. The Eco Index has been collaboratively developed by the European Outdoor Group’s Sustainability Working Group and the OIA’s Eco Working Group.
Joe McSwiney from Cascade Designs will open the event by leading us through his findings. Joe has been involved from a very early stage with the development of the Eco Index and was one of the first companies to pilot. His presentation will then be followed by a discussion panel where other brands will join Joe to talk about how they have found working with the Eco Index and how it has helped them move forwards on their sustainability journey. Other brands joining Joe include Hilke Patzwall, Vaude, and designer, Simmone Le Grew, The North Face.
The panel discussion will be followed by a questions and answers session during which the audience will be able to ask questions relevant to their specific needs and company situation.
The last part of the Breakfast will give you the opportunity to learn about a new tool available for you to start using straight away. SIGNS (Sustainability International Guide for Norms and Standards) has been developed by the Standards and Regulations Working Committee to help to provide a solution for the outdoor sector. It is a web based tool giving summaries of regulations,
standards, legislation and labels. It provides a quick understanding of the relevance to your business or needs allowing you to dig deeper or ignore and provides you with the mechanism to find in-depth information should you need it. The tool will be continuously updated, with FESI acting as a feed in for important new legislation that may be heading our way from Europe.
The meeting starts early, the Breakfast will run from 08.00 to 09.30hrs in the Restaurant Käfer Stüberl, which is on the first floor in the East Entrance at ispo. It is FREE for anyone attending ispo but to gain access before the show opens you will need to register to attend the breakfast.
To register simply email your name and company to
The work of the SWG is NOT exclusive to members of the European Outdoor Group; it is operating on an open source basis and welcomes involvement from all areas of the supply chain.