­Having made the final tally on the funds received through Interbike's new Exhibitor Badge Program, show organizers are proud to announce that the newly instated program was successful in generating $50,000 to benefit the America Bikes campaign.

In conjunction with Bikes Belong, the Interbike Exhibitor Badge Program involved a $25 fee for additional Exhibitor badges required after the initial two-badge/per booth allocation. The new program drew industry-wide support, collecting more than Interbike and Bikes Belong ever thought possible.

“The original idea was to see if we could raise $40,000,” said Lance Camisasca, Interbike Show Director. “But the industry really stepped up to support the program and we ended up going well beyond that. Needless to say, we're extremely pleased to have raised so much for the cycling community,” Camisasca said.

All of the monies will go specifically to the America Bikes campaign, the bicycle community's Congressional lobbying effort based in Washington, DC. The campaign is focused on preserving enhancements and other funds for bicycle facilities, creating a national Safe Routes to School program, and building safer roads for cycling.

“The funding from the badge program is a significant investment by the bike industry toward guaranteeing that bicycling gets its fair share of federal transportation dollars,” said Martha Roskowski campaign manager for America Bikes. “It¹s a sound investment for the future of cycling that really helps our industry become part of the bigger picture in Washington,” Roskowski added.

“The entire industry, from start-up companies to established industry icons, as well as international exhibitors, participated to support America Bikes and its mission to promote cycling,” said Camisasca.

With several fundraising events surrounding the show, Interbike has become a productive forum for supporting bicycle advocacy.

“Raising money for advocacy is one of those things that's hard to complain about since it all comes back to help us in the long run,” said Scott Turner of Santa Cruz Bicycles. “For most companies it¹s a relatively small expense and I think Interbike has done a great job in getting everyone involved,”
Turner said.

Interbike's Annual Bicycle Industry Awards Celebration also raised $5,000 in additional funds that will benefit the League of American Bicyclists. The League of American Bicyclists promotes bicycling for fun, fitness and transportation, and works through advocacy and education for a bicycle-friendly America. The funds will go towards the 2004 National Bike Summit on Capitol Hill.