Gramicci moved Oct. 1 to new offices and a studio in Aguoura Hills, CA in time for the launch of its Gramicci Replenishment Program (GRP), which it hopes will accelerate growth. GRP is designed to speed up replenishment of the company's G-Series products and graphic t-shirts by bringing some dye, print and other finish work back to the United States.

The company has moved to a space at 28632 Roadside Drive, Suite 150, Agoura Hills, CA that can be doubled within a year if needed. With a view of the Agoura Hills, the entire outer face of the building is flagstone and glass. The building is surrounded by deep-blanketed red fescue. The Gramicci design studio is lit by natural light provided by floor to ceiling windows looking out to the mountains.  The space can be doubled if needed within the next year.


Under the GRP program, Gramicci will source finishing work on its G-Series products for spring ’11 from nearby California vendors. This means dealers can buy a wider color selection, less units and replenish their stock quickly after seeing what sells best. This reduces their risk of having to buy too much inventory in uncertain economic times.  

“12% of Gramicci’s pant, short and organic graphic tee shirt business will be dyed and finished here in the U.S. starting in November of this year,” said Marty Weening President of Gramicci.  “We have a program called Start Somewhere that was created to encourage and help people with finding ways to do something good. We have a big unemployment problem here in California and throughout the U.S. So we are starting somewhere and will continue to look for ways to help put people back to work here.”

“The G Series is special here. Back in early 1982 when Gramicci introduced the first G-climbing pant and short they were only sold in the color white. Friends, climbers, and surfers took RIT Dye and custom dyed their Gramicci’s in crazy colors and tie dyed designs. This gave birth to the first cult like followers of the brand lovingly referred to as Gramicciheads,” adds Weening.

In addition to the locally finished ‘G Series,’ Gramicci has employed U.S. artists for its Limited Edition Graphic T  Series which will also be printed here in the U.S. For over four years, Gramicci has donated 2% of the shirt proceeds  to Outdoor Outreach, Since its founding in 2001, Outdoor Outreach has organized and managed more than 1,000 outings and given over 3,500 young people the opportunity to go rock climbing, snowboarding, surfing, snorkeling, mountain biking and backpacking.