Downlite, the manufacturer of down, feather and synthetic bedding products and major supplier of responsibly sourced down to outdoor and apparel markets, has partnered with Matthew 25: Ministries, an international humanitarian aid and disaster relief organization in Cincinnati, OH, to deliver 2,000 pillows to aid Hurricane Irma victims in Florida. The pillows along with additional needed goods will be shipped via semi-trucks to help individuals during the long recovery process.

According to Joodi Archer, Matthew 25: Ministries Development and Media Director, the truckloads of disaster aid encompass a mix of products that may include food, bottled water, personal care items, cleaning supplies, tarps, blankets and linens. Matthew 25 works with local partners who are established in the recipient location, aware of the needs in the surrounding community and able to get that aid to the people who need it.

“Many thanks to Downlite, whose generous donation will ensure that thousands of people recovering from disaster will be able to sleep more comfortably,” said Archer. “We are very grateful for the generous contributions Downlite and the entire Greater Cincinnati community have made to Hurricane Irma victims.”

Matthew 25: Ministries accepts cash, credit card and internet donations for ongoing disaster aid and humanitarian relief programs.  More than 99 percent of Matthew 25: Ministries’ cash and in-kind donations go toward programs.