The Septimo multi-tool is a tactical carry designed by Green Beret Jeremy Valdez.

A tanto blade with one Veff Serration pairs with a Philips and flathead screwdriver, bottle opener, glass breaker, and adjustable wrench.


Valdez hails from Tampa, FL and brought his combat experience and time served in the 7th Special Forces Group to the aptly named Septimo Multi-Tool — a tribute meaning “seventh” in Spanish.

Designed in the spirit of his tactical folding knife, by the same name, the main motivation for the multi-tool design came from his 2009 deployment to Afghanistan. During combat operations, Valdez was involved in a helicopter crash. Duty to his fallen fellow soldiers drove him to design the Septimo.

The multi-tool with thumb stud opening includes a desert-proof black oxide finish, and friction points on the handle to deal with inclement conditions. It was given a single Veff Serratio for effective cutting ability.

Photo courtesy Columbia River Knife & Tool