Grassroots Connect Shows Promise

The first Grassroots Connect Show drew 90 vendors and about as many independent outdoor specialty retailers to Knoxville, TN last week and some praise from frazzled buyers and reps looking for more efficient ways of doing business…

Leatt Swings to Q3 Profit on Earlier Shipments

Leatt Corporation, the motorsports brand trying to break into the U.S. cycling market with a new line of helmets, turned a profit on a 34 percent increase in sales in the third quarter ended Sept. 30, 2015…

SCARPA N.A. Fills Sales Operations Position

SCARPA North America has hired Josh Kerns as sales operations manager to coordinate sales, operations, and warehouse divisions, oversee the customer service and direct sales teams, and be a liaison with key accounts…

Winter Trails Day Becomes Winter Trails Month

SnowSports Industries America is extending its annual Winter Trails event from a one-day to a month-long event this coming January to ensure people have ample opportunities to discover snowshoeing and cross country skiing…

Pou Sheng Sales Accelerate in October

Pou Sheng International (Holdings) Limited reported net consolidated operating revenue increased 14.8 percent to $214.4 million in October compared with October, 2014…