In response to the oil spill caused by the Deepwater Horizon oil rig explosion in the Gulf of Mexico, the American Sportfishing Association (ASA) said it is calling upon federal and state officials to “act swiftly and diligently to mitigate the effects of the oil spill…” The ASA said the oil spill poses a “severe threat” to the Gulf’s marine fishery and sportfishing industry. In a statement, ASA President and CEO Mike Nussman expressed his condolences to the friends and relatives of the 11 crew members who died during the before speaking on the impact theexplosions spill will likely have on the recreational fishing industry.
Nussman said the spill would “significantly impact” the ability of anglers to get on the water and added that everything that is possible must be done to clean up the spill, which threatens the economies of numerous coastal communities surrounding the Gulf.
“The sportfishing industry is dependent upon healthy and abundant fisheries resources, and this massive spill seriously threatens the Gulf ecosystem and the thousands of businesses that are dependent upon its health,” said Nussman. “We urge local, state and federal officials to do everything in their power to mitigate the damage from this disaster to marine and coastal habitat to help maintain and rebuild healthy fish populations.”