Recovering alcoholic turned best-selling author Mishka Shubaly is notorious for turning his negative addiction into fodder for ultra running and artistic expression.
After gaining success for his Kindle Single, The Long Run, amongst other books published for Kindle and offered on Amazon online, the author took yet another turn. The Columbia University MFA graduate realized his passion for playing music, and has turned his attention away from books and into solo albums. His biography on says, “He lived out of a Toyota minivan for a year, touring nonstop, and has shared the stage with artists like The Strokes, The Yeah Yeah Yeahs and The Decemberists, among others.”

Coward’s Path
Shubaly will release his third solo effort on October 2. The album, released by Invisible Hands Music, is titled Coward’s Path, and chronicles the “wasted years” of his alcoholism. The 12 track album is a “snapshot from a life careening out of control.” Death, failure and dark humor are consistent themes across the length of the album.
As for running, Shubaly continues to track the chronicle of his miles on his blog, along with new fitness trends, books, struggles, and influences that orbit into his life on any given day. A recent entry, dated April 2015, is a comment on ultra runner Rich Roll and Julia Piatt’s book The Plantpower Way, a whole foods, plan-based recipe book.
Shubaly writes:
“I’m not plantpowered and I doubt I will ever go all the way. But just by trying a plantpowered diet, I’ve learned so much about how I eat and what I should and shouldn’t be eating. If you’re a vegan, obviously, you should buy The PlantPower Way. But I’d argue that if you eat meat and cheese, if you eat candy, if you eat delicious Nacho Cheez-its, it’s even more important for you to buy this book and soak up the wisdom within. No, it won’t make your diet perfect, but it will make it better… and isn’t ‘better’ what we’re all aiming for?”