From the seascapes of the California coast to the urban landscapes of the East Coast, Ahnu Footwear arrived in 263 storefronts this month.
“As Ahnu begins arriving in stores, the first thing that people notice is that they arent your typical outdoor shoe. Theyre built from the ground up to be different, and we like it that way,” said Jim Van Dine, co-founder and president of Ahnu Footwear.
Ahnus debut collection includes three categories for men and women: Landscape, for the diverse needs of multi-sport adventures; Seascape, amphibious shoes specially suited for quick drainage; and Escape, adding comfort and style to the everyday outdoor lifestyle.
“Ahnu is launching at a time of remarkable consumer awareness for the performance advantages of technical product design. Its also an era of unparalleled interest in sustainable business practices,” said Van Dine. “To be introducing a brand that is wholly devoted to those two concepts isnt a coincidence, its a reflection of the fact that our teams entire careers have been shaped by both of these trends.”
Ahnus goal is “to achieve uncompromising performance designs while adhering to the highest possible standards in the creation of their products, operation of their company, and interaction with their community.”
From the gold standard of factory certification to the use of certified post-consumer recycled fibers in their catalogs and packaging, the Ahnu commitment includes utilizing one of only 31 footwear factories in the world that has been awarded SA8000 accreditation, the gold standard for social accountability in business; creating shoe inserts from 100% post-consumer waste; and utilizing environmentally sensitive materials such as recycled polyester and charred bamboo.