The American Apparel & Footwear Association has called on U.S.
lawmakers to renew a ban on Burmese exports. The AAFA sent a letter to
members of the U.S. Congress urging them to pass legislation that would
extend sanctions against Burma under the 2003 Burmese Freedom and
Democracy Act.
The Senate and House of Representatives are considering identical
resolutions that would extend the ban – which is set to expire on July
26 – by up to three more years.
“AAFA once again calls on Congress to follow through on U.S.
commitments to human rights and renew economic sanctions against
Burma,” said AAFA President and CEO Kevin M. Burke. “AAFA strongly
supports this renewal because it will send a clear and unmistakable
message that the United States is not interested in doing business with
regimes like the one that brutally enslaves the people of Burma.”
“A unilateral approach, however, will only bring about a limited
effect,” said Burke. “I hope the world community will join the United
States in implementing economic sanctions to demonstrate that there is
no room for oppression in the global marketplace.”
U.S. lawmakers are considering renewing the ban as Burma's most
prominent opposition figure, Aung San Suu Kyi, stands trial for
allegedly violating the terms of her house arrest.
Burma's military government has ignored calls to free the Nobel Peace
Prize winner and the country's thousands of political prisoners.
Burmese authorities denied United Nations Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon
permission to meet with Aung San Suu Kyi during his two-day visit to
the country last week.
The 64-year-old pro-democracy activist has been under detention for 13 of the past 19 years.