For a company that described itself as “progressive with highly developed web presence,” it has taken until 2004 for Sugoi to officially enter the .com era. That's because the last 8 years have been spent with a web home of as a couple of particularly pesky cybersquatters sat on the domain name waiting for a big payoff.

A resolution has finally been reached, without the use of lacrosse or hockey sticks–the traditional Canadian dispute resolution method, and is the new official web home of Sugoi clothing. For the time being, will redirect to the existing site at, but in the course of the next few months, all of Sugoi's corporate identity will be phased into the .com domain. At the same time, all Sugoi employees now have new .com email addresses, though the old email addresses with be forwarded through for the foreseeable future.

The new domain will host the wide variety of online tools which are currently available to Sugoi's retailers and reps including online inventory and order status inquiries, account maintenance, POP and catalogue databases, along with news and reviews, both current and archived .

Though Sugoi remains proudly Canadian, rapidly expanding international distribution and sales make the most appropriate new internet home.