The future of SGMA International has been further defined by the Board of Directors, which has approved a succession plan for current President/CEO John Riddle. This decision was made Thursday, May 6 at the SGMA Board of Directors meeting in Washington, DC.
The SGMA board has elected Tom Cove as Executive Vice President for the association, a new post within SGMA management's structure. Cove will subsequently assume the presidency of SGMA International on February 1, 2005.
“Tom understands the issues facing the industry and the association and is well versed in the challenges to be encountered in the coming years,” said SGMA International Chairman Dick Kazmaier. “He has played a critical role in resolving child labor issues facing the industry and in creating momentum within the federal government for action against the obesity facing our country. He is a true leader for the industry, with a proven record of accomplishment”.
Riddle, who joined SGMA in 1988, will continue as President/CEO of the association through January of 2005.
“We are very pleased both with the service John Riddle has rendered the association for the past 16 years and also, that he will be available to assist Tom during a transition period thereafter, commented Kazmaier. “Leading the association through the changes and consolidation that have taken place in the industry has not been easy. We believe he has done an outstanding job.”
“We have had a productive and challenging 16 years. SGMA has accomplished much, not the least of which is the return of more than $50 million dollars to the sporting goods industry in the form of grants from “The Super Show” revenues. I look forward to the period ahead as an opportunity to work on issues, to continue to grow our publishing/communications, market research efforts and reinforce The Super Show,” acknowledged Riddle.