Looking to capitalize on a string of legislative successes in recent years, SGMA International has established a bold public policy agenda in 2004. The sporting goods industry’s top priorities will be to secure additional funding for the Physical Education for Progress (PEP) program, obtain dedicated assistance to promote P.E.4LIFE Institutes around the country, and drive funding into the parks, recreation, and fitness infrastructure in the form of new fields and refurbished facilities. The legislative agenda was approved by the SGMA International Government Relations Committee in January at The Super Show® in Orlando.

“The sporting goods industry had a benchmark year in 2003 securing government funding for anti-obesity and recreation initiatives,” said SGMA International CEO & President John Riddle. “The message that America wants more opportunities to exercise and recreate is being heard in Washington. We will build on last year’s successes and call on Congress and the President to increase funding for these important programs in the coming years.”

SGMA established a goal to secure $100 million for the PEP program in FY 2005. PEP (also known as the Carol M. White PEP Program) provides grants to schools and community-based organizations to purchase sports/fitness equipment and to train teachers in innovative physical education applications. The emphasis on PEP reflects the industry’s consensus that physical education represents a critical element in the nation’s growing battle against obesity by promoting daily physical activity for all children. Quality physical education programs set the foundation for a viable sporting goods industry in the future as well.

The PEP program, initially proposed to Congress by SGMA International several years ago, will receive $69 million in the current year, the fourth consecutive double-digit increase in annual funding. It has topped the industry’s legislative agenda since the PEP Act was established in 2001.

The industry also reaffirmed its commitment to support P.E.4LIFE on Capitol Hill. P.E.4LIFE is the national not-for-profit advocacy organization, founded by the sports industry, dedicated to promoting daily quality PE in America’s schools. SGMA International and P.E.4LIFE will develop a funding request to support P.E.4LIFE Institutes in Illinois, Connecticut and Pennsylvania. These Institutes are cutting-edge PE laboratories, designed to help teachers and administrators deliver innovative PE classes while building support in their communities. Featured on the PBS NewsHour, USA Today and U.S. News and World Report, P.E.4LIFE Institutes bring teachers in that region to see, first-hand, how equipment, technology, curriculum, personal energy and community support can fundamentally change the way students and teachers participate in physical education.

Last year, SGMA International and P.E.4LIFE successfully worked with Representatives Judy Biggert (R-IL) and Rosa DeLauro (D-CT) to obtain, for the first time, dedicated funding for P.E.4LIFE Institutes. Approximately $450,000 was earmarked to establish and expand P.E4LIFE programs in Naperville, Illinois and New Haven, Connecticut. Representatives Biggert and DeLauro deserve credit for the leadership they bring to Congress on this significant issue.

The third top priority for SGMA International this year is continued funding for parks and recreation. The nation’s primary source of federal funding for state and local recreation infrastructure is the Land and Water Conservation Fund (LWCF) and the Urban Park and Recreation Recovery (UPARR) program. These programs have funded more than 38,000 projects since 1968 that include: soccer fields, biking and running trails, basketball courts, and tennis courts. However, in the last two years, Congress has made significant cuts to these programs. Even with the reductions, $95 million was approved for distribution to states and municipalities in FY 2004. Increasing funding to address pressing needs for field acquisition, development and/or reconstruction will again be a primary focus of SGMA International.

In addition, SGMA will work to ensure full funding for trails and recreation-related initiatives as Congress reauthorizes the highway and transit transportation programs. More than $400 million may be made available annually for bicycle-pedestrian trails and rail-trail conversions.

SGMA International continues to monitor and lobby on behalf of the sporting goods industry on any legislation that could impact our industry. It’s worth noting that there is a growing effort to identify tax legislation that could promote workplace fitness.