Recreational Equipment, Inc. has been ranked 24th among the “100 Best Companies to Work For” by FORTUNE magazine, and is one of only eight companies to have been included on each of the magazine lists and two book versions.
“This recognition is something to celebrate,” said REI CEO Dennis Madsen. “Each year the honor is an inspiring reminder of the quality of REI's employee team, and of the corporate environment and culture we've worked to create.”
REI is the sole outdoor gear and apparel specialty retailer to be included, and is one of only six western Washington companies to be named among the “100 Best” this year, including Microsoft, Starbucks, Perkins Coie, Washington Mutual and Nordstrom. To create the list, 46,526 randomly selected employees from 304 candidate companies were asked to complete an employee-opinion survey.
Two hundred fifty randomly selected REI employees received the “100 Best” survey, which measured pride in work, job satisfaction and camaraderie. Two-thirds of the list ranking is based on the results of the employee survey, and one-third is based on corporate information regarding REI benefits, policies and culture. REI is known for its strong employee-centric work environment and programs, including:
- An outdoor-focused culture that actively encourages community involvement and participation in muscle-powered recreation as an extension of our business.
- A work environment promoting camaraderie, open communication and opportunity for advancement, while respecting and encouraging work/life balance.
- Comprehensive benefits including health care options and a company-contributed pension plan.
- Generous discounts on outdoor gear.
- Gear grants for employees who wish to take on a personal outdoor challenge.
- Incentive pay directly tied to company or divisional goals.