Johnson Outdoors Inc., maker of Eureka!Tents, has been awarded a $42.9 million urgent need military tent order. The government order calls for delivery of 6,500 modular general purpose tent systems (MGPTS) over the next 15 months. Urgent need orders are awarded based on a supplier's proven capability to ensure quality and quantity at an accelerated pace.
“Innovation, quality and outstanding customer service are central to ensuring the success and sustainability of our company,” said Helen Johnson- Leipold, Chairman and Chief Executive Officer, Johnson Outdoors. “Our military tent business continues to deliver strong results against each of these strategic growth imperatives. We are pleased the government chose to place their order with us.”
“Eureka! has been to the top of Mt. Everest, and is now everywhere U.S. troops are deployed around the world,” added Jerry Perkins, Chief Operating Officer for Johnson Outdoors. “It is very rewarding that after having worked alongside the U.S. military in designing and developing the MGPTS, we have earned the reputation for delivering what the military needs, when they need it the most.”
The MGPTS was first used by U.S. troops in 1999, and is recognized as providing far superior all-weather protection over its general purpose tent predecessor. This is the second time in less than six months that Johnson Outdoors has been tapped to fill an urgent need military tent requirement.