Light & Motion has dispatched two Light & Motion demo vans to provide product clinics and night-ride/run demos to select dealers across the United States over the next year.
The company is also discounting its demo kits to encourage dealers to leverage the demo experience for light sales.
We know that when customers try our lights, a whole new world opens up to them, said Daniel Emerson, CEO of Light & Motion. Fun on the trail doesnt need to end with the shorter days, nor does the daily commute home. You dont buy a bike without a test ride, and so it makes sense for customers to try the lights before they buy. We are excited to help our bike and outdoor retailers bring that experience to their customers through in-store demonstrations and fun night rides and runs.
To help facilitate these demo opportunities, Light & Motion is turning to its sponsored ambassadors across the country to help lead local rides. New alliances with road /off-road cycling and triathlon clubs are also helping to expand the opportunities for the brand and its dealers to put on demo events.
Light & Motions story of a local manufacturer building high-performance LED lights in California resonates with new customers.
People want to invest smartly, and the quality of our lights beam pattern, plus the safety features of a fully waterproof light with side lighting, are key,” said Emerson. “These are the type of discoveries that our customers make on demo ride or run!
Based in Marina, CA, Light & Motion is a vertically integrated design and manufacturing company that makes personal lighting systems for individuals that value conscientious design and elegantly engineered solutions.