Chipkos the eco-friendly sandal company, announced the adoption of over one million square feet of rain forest
after the first week of its newly launched online storefront hosted by
Recently featured in TIME, NY Magazine, Wall Street Journal, NY Times, AOL, Huffington Post, TreeHugger, and Glamour, Chipkos footwear has been lauded for its approach to environmental protection. As part of the Chipkos “Stand for Square Feet” program, each pair of Chipkos Original Sandals purchased results in the adoption of one hundred square feet of the rain forest.
“I'd like to thank the people from all over the world who have contributed to our goal of protecting 100,000,000 square feet of the rain forest,” says Chipkos Chief Nature Ambassador, Priya Dua.
To date, the Chipkos rain forest preservation program has been very successful in Guanacaste, Costa Rica, thanks to the involvement of their non-profit partner, SaveNature.Org.
“Chipkos represents a real and actionable campaign to purchase and protect endangered rain forest land. We are proud to support this first-of-its-kind program of combining a product with rain forest adoption,” says Norm Gershenz, Director of SaveNature.Org.
Shopify is an online SaaS e-commerce platform that allows individuals to create online stores.