Outdoor Industry Association is joining Business for Innovative Climate & Energy Policy (BICEP), a coalition of major American businesses pushing for passage of comprehensive climate and energy legislation in the U.S.
BICEP’s “Nine Principles” include targets like setting short- and long-term greenhouse gas reduction targets; stimulate green job growth; adopt national renewable energy standard; boost investment in renewable energy, energy efficiency and carbon capture and storage technology; and most notably, establishing cap-and-trade system with 100% auction of carbon allowances.
“Healthy public lands that support the nation’s $730 billion outdoor recreation economy are imperiled by a warming climate,” said Frank Hugelmeyer, president of OIA. “The outdoor recreation industry and those who pursue outdoor activities are among the first to experience the impacts of climate change on our public lands. We believe our industry is in a unique position and has a responsibility to offer leadership on this important issue.”
The U.S. House passed comprehensive energy and climate legislation last June, and a Senate coalition headed by Democrat John Kerry of Massachusetts and Independent Joseph Lieberman of Connecticut is considering similar legislation for the Senate.
BICEP has spoken out in favor of this legislation, stating that it is a significant step forward and contains several key elements in BICEP's core principles, including major limits on greenhouse gas emissions and crucial initiatives to increase renewable energy and energy efficiency.
“With the Gulf of Mexico disaster staring us in the face and clean energy legislation pending in Washington, there couldn’t be a timelier moment to welcome such a prominent business voice to BICEP,” said Mindy Lubber, president of Ceres, a leading coalition of investors and environmental groups that coordinates BICEP.