The National Shooting Sports Foundation (NSSF) has released a report detailing the economic impact of firearms and ammunition on each state’s economy. According to the report, the firearms and ammunition industry had a $27.8 billion impact on the U.S. in 2009, up from $19.2 billion in 2008.


The report also found that year-over-year jobs grew from 166,200 to 183,424 as wages increased from $6.36 million to $8.21 million.
“During difficult economic times and high unemployment rates nationally, our industry actually grew and created 16,800 new, well-paying jobs,” said NSSF President Steve Sanetti.


The NSSF added that despite increased sales of guns and ammo, the industry recorded a “continued decline in accidental firearm-related deaths” along with a “continued drop in crime rates nationally.”


Also cited in the economic impact report were the taxes paid by industry member companies to federal and state governments and the Pittman-Robertson excise tax the industry pays on the products it sells. The Pittman-Robertson tax is a major source of wildlife conservation funding in America.


NSSF Senior VP and General Counsel Lawrence G. Keane added that the industry increased its contribution to wildlife conservation by over 37.6% in 2009, which translates to more than $7.5 million every day for conservation efforts.