This week Arizona Governor Jan Brewer signed into law five key pieces of legislation that will protect and strengthen the rights of law-abiding gun owners in her state and educate children about gun safety, according to a release by the NRA.
“The passage and signage of these sensible, yet crucial bills are major victories for law-abiding gun owners in Arizona,” said Chris W. Cox, NRA chief lobbyist. “Governor Brewer and the bills sponsors, State Senators Jack Harper (R-4) and Russell Pearce (R-18), as well as the parking lot bills pioneer sponsor, Representative John Kavanagh (R-8), should be commended for their hard work and their staunch support of our Second Amendment freedoms.”
Governor Brewer also signed three other bills of significance this week. SB 1243 makes legal the defensive display of a firearm for the purpose of deescalating a potentially violent conflict. This statute makes it legal for law-abiding gun owners to display their firearm to someone threatening them or a loved one.