U.S. apparel and textile leaders have until Aug. 5 to apply for a position on the Exporters' Textile Advisory Committee. The committee consists of approximately 35 members appointed by the Secretary of Commerce to ensure a balanced representation of textile and apparel products.
The Secretary of Commerce initially established the Committee on March 24, 1966. The committee's charter was last extended for two years on Oct. 30, 2006 and will expire on Oct. 30, 2008.
It is anticipated that the committee will be renewed for another term, from Oct. 31, 2008 through Oct. 30, 2010.
Representatives of small, medium and large firms with broad geographical distribution in exporting shall be included on the committee. Members shall represent the views of their companies, trade associations and other entities on matters that affect their business interest in exporting. For a list of current committee members, click here.
The committee shall function solely as an advisory body in compliance with the provisions of the Federal Advisory Committee Act.
Persons interested in becoming members are invited to submit a letter to:
R. Matthew Priest, Deputy Assistant Secretary for Textiles and Apparel
U.S. Department of Commerce
Washington, DC 20230
Priest can be reached at (202) 482-3737. Letters must include the applicant's social security number, date of birth, place of birth and home address. This information is required to process a records check to determine suitability for membership.