Athletes across 10 alternative sports are teaming up to build Deeds Alone, a digital hub for fans and consumers that will launch at the end of January 2019.

Seeking to be the IMDb of alternative sports, Deeds Alone showcases athletes, content, outdoor brands and gear, social media, events, and more. The platform provides its athlete ambassadors a channel to cultivate their personal brand, promote sponsors, and generate revenue. For brands, Deeds Alone bolsters alignment with their athletes, increases consumer awareness, and provides an opportunity to build a deeper connection with a fragmented audience.

The idea for Deeds Alone arose when Peter Dopkin, a 20-year sports media veteran who has held digital leadership roles with Repucom (now Nielsen Sports) and USTA, was being waited on at a Colorado resort. His server happened to be one of the best snowboarders in the world, and an X Games competitor. Dopkin saw the alternative sports landscape as fundamentally flawed, and sought to find a solution with Deeds Alone Co-Founder, Andrew Lockman, and a prominent advisory board consisting of sports marketing and digital development executives.

“The outdoor industry is extremely fragmented,” said Dopkin, Deeds Alone Co-Founder. “As opposed to traditional team sports, these athletes are individuals, so value is lost because they are not in a group. Deeds Alone amplifies the interdependent collective by connecting athletes and brands to more than 250 million fans and consumers.”

“Since we started recruiting athletes, we’ve received an overwhelmingly positive response – and hundreds of athletes from more than 15 countries have joined,” added Lockman. “For athletes around the world, Deeds Alone supports many of the issues they deal with today.”

“I’ve been fortunate enough to win the Freeride World Tour twice, and have appeared in several films, but I’ve always sensed I could connect more with fans,” said big mountain skier, Eva Walkner. “When I heard about Deeds Alone, it immediately clicked why athletes are coming together to build this platform. I look forward to engaging more deeply with our community!”

“I’m always looking for new and innovative ways to connect with my audience,” said Pro Surfer, Anthony Walsh. “Even with the rise of social media and all the new methods of content creation, I believe there has always been a missing link between fans, athletes, and brands. I’m excited about the potential of this platform, and the new ways I can engage fans.”