Puma AG announced that two members of the company's supervisory board, Arnon Milchan and David Matalon, representatives Puma’s former major shareholder Regency, will resign from the board effective January 9, 2006. Puma will file an application with the competent municipal court in Fürth to show that a representative of Puma’s major shareholder Mayfair, Dr. Rainer Kutzner, is provisionally being appointed by the court as new supervisory board member. Further, the board of management and supervisory board will nominate Dr. Kutzner, managing director of Mayfair GmbH, together with a second replacement candidate for election by the shareholders for the next annual general meeting.

Arnon Milchan has been a member of the Puma supervisory board since 1997, while David Matalon has served since 1999.