For the third consecutive year, Timberland been selected as one of the “Worlds 20 Top Sustainable Business Stocks” as recognized by The list is presented in the Progressive Investor newsletter, published by, which tracks stocks in the emerging marketplace.
Five leading social / environmental investment analysts select the top 20 companies that stand out as the world leaders in terms of both sustainability and financial strength. To be included in the list, companies must be a “model” of sustainable business – infusing sustainable practices throughout the company, or with products or services that directly reduce environmental problems. On the financial side, a company must have a history of healthy profitability, and be considered “investment worthy” by the judges.
“We are working hard to reduce our environmental impact to become more efficient, use more renewables, seek out better, cleaner energy sources, ” said Jeffrey Swartz, President and Chief Executive Officer of Timberland. “To receive this recognition of our efforts and to be included in this list of innovative and engaged companies is both humbling and inspiring.”
Timberlands current environmental initiatives include a 400 kW solar panel system, scheduled to be built at its distribution facility in Ontario, California this fall. Over the life of the system, it will reduce carbon emissions by an estimated 4200 metric tons.
“We are entering a clean economy era where more and more companies large and small will make a commitment to environmental sustainability and act on it,” said Rona Fried, Ph.D., CEO and Editor of Progressive Investor. “The purpose of the SB20 List is to showcase public companies that are leading the way to a sustainable society, to reward them for their efforts, and to encourage them to go further as the role models that they are.”