Frank Hugelmeyer, President of Outdoor Industry Association, awarded Senator Mary Landrieu (D-LA) and Senator Lamar Alexander (R-TN) with 2005 Friend of the Outdoor Industry Awards today at a ceremony held in Washington D.C. The Friend of the Outdoor Industry Award is given each year during the OIA Capitol Summit to Members of Congress in recognition of their legislative leadership the previous year on outdoor recreation related issues.
“I am pleased to recognize Senators Landrieu and Alexander for their long standing commitment to promote outdoor recreation and create new parks and open space,” remarked Hugelmeyer. “As co-sponsors of the Americans Outdoors Act last year, the Senators demonstrated their passionate commitment to the importance of recreation opportunities for all.”
The Americans Outdoors Act would have guaranteed $1.4 billion in annual funding for outdoor programs, including full funding for the Land and Water Conservation Fund, and $125 million for the Urban Parks and Recreation Recovery (UPARR) program.
“I am very proud to be honored with this award by the Outdoor Industry Association, which has consistently been a stalwart ally in our efforts to create, preserve and protect open spaces and recreation areas that will be enjoyed by many generations to come,” Sen. Landrieu said. “Im especially proud to share this honor with my friend and partner in the Americans Outdoors Act, Senator Lamar Alexander, whose love for our great outdoors is reflected by his career-long dedication to preserving it.”
“There is nothing more central to the American character than the great American Outdoors. That is why there is such a large conservation majority in the United States,” said Alexander. “We must plan ahead for future generations to make sure we have places to enjoy our outdoors. I appreciate the Outdoor Industry Association's support as we work together on these issues.”
During the ceremony, Hugelmeyer was joined by Joe Royer CEO of Outdoors, Inc. in Memphis, TN and Ed McAlistair of River Sports Outfitters in Knoxille, TN and event sponsor Woolrich, who presented Senator Alexander with a Woolrich green and black plaid wool shirt in honor of the one he wore while walking 1000 miles across Tennessee during his campaign for Governor.
Past recipients of the Friend of the Outdoor Industry Award include Senator Patty Murray (D-WA) and Representative Sherwood Boehlert (R-NY) in 2004, Representative Dave Obey (D-WI) and Representative Nancy Johnson (R-CT) in 2003, Representative Norm Dicks (D-WA) in 2002, and Representative George Miller (D-CA) and Senator Mike DeWine (R-OH) in 2001.