Winmark Corporation, the parent of Play It Again Sports,  announced the submission by Steven C. Zola of his resignation from the position of president of Winmark Capital, as well as his resignation as vice chairman of the board of directors of Winmark Corporation.

Brett D. Heffes, CEO, stated, “Mr. Zola joined Winmark at the early stages of building our leasing business and has made a significant contribution over the past fourteen years. We wish him well in the future.”

On an interim basis, Heffes will assume the additional responsibility of President of Winmark Capital.

At March 30, 2019, Winmark had1,241 franchises in operation under the brands Plato’s Closet, Once Upon A Child, Play It Again Sports, Style Encore and Music Go Round. An additional 46 retail franchises have been awarded but are not open.