SGB Update

Outdoor Gear Builders Appoints Executive Director

Outdoor Gear Builders announced the appointment of Matt Godfrey as the organization’s executive director. OGB, based in Ashville, NC, has grown to over 75 members (retailers and vendors) in the outdoor industry in Western North Carolina.

NICS Firearms Background Checks Slide In May

The May 2022 NSSF-adjusted National Instant Criminal Background Check System (NICS) slipped 11.3 percent to 1.17 million compared to the May 2021 NSSF-adjusted NICS figure of 1.32 million.

Lululemon Hikes Outlook As Q1 Tops Guidance

Lululemon Athletica Inc. raised its earnings and sales guidance for the year after reporting first-quarter results that surpassed its expectations. Sales were up 32 percent in the first quarter with same-store sales ahead 24 percent.

Tilly’s Sees 13 Percent Q1 Comp Drop

Tilly’s Inc. reported a sharp decline in profits in the first quarter as gross margins eroded 350 basis points and same-store sales were down 13 percent. Results were in line with guidance. 

Zumiez’s Sales Slump 21 Percent In First Quarter

Zumiez, Inc. reported sales fell 21 percent in the first quarter ended April 30 against tough year-ago comparisons but arrived at the high end of guidance. Earnings came in below guidance due to labor, shipping and logistics costs as well as a shift in the timing of marketing and training investments.

Rocky Mountain Bicycles Appoints CEO

Rocky Mountain Bicycles, based in Saint-Georges, Quebec, has appointed Katy Bond as CEO. Company owner Raymond Dutil becomes executive chairman and coach of innovation.

St. Croix Rod Grows Product Team

St. Croix Rod hired Robert Woods as product manager. He spent the past eight years at Wells Vehicle Electronics in Fond du Lac.

Novoloop Extends Series A Round To $21M

Advanced upcycling startup Novoloop expanded its Series A to $21 million through an oversubscribed extension led by Mistletoe Singapore and Hanwha Solutions. This nearly doubles the company’s raise of $11 million announced in February.

Rawlings Appoints President

Rawlings Sporting Goods Company, Inc. announced the promotion of Ronald Ostrowski from CFO to president effective immediately. He will continue to report to Mike Zlaket, CEO.

Signa Sports’ Q2 Sales Climb 48 Percent

Berlin-based Signa Sports United reported net revenue grew 48 percent in the fiscal second quarter ended March 31 to €269 million. The gains reflect the full contribution from the acquisitions of WiggleCRC and Tennis Express.