SGB Update Outdoor

Founder Rory Fuerst Assumes Role As President At Keen

CEO Rory Fuerst has assumed the role of president at Keen, Inc., the company he founded in 2003. Casey Sheahan, who previously served as president and board member, has decided to leave the company in order to pursue his passions in the mountains and to be closer to family.

Sportsmen And Outdoors Leaders Denounce Antiquities Act Takedown

Backcountry Hunters & Anglers, Patagonia and First Lite CEOs together condemned a bill introduced on Friday by Rep. Rob Bishop of Utah. The National Monument Creation and Protection Act (H.R. 3990) would severely limit national monument designations made by presidents.

OIA Opposes Bishop Bill Undermining 1906 Antiquities Act

The Outdoor Industry Association (OIA) said it opposed the “National Monument and Creation Act,”  that “National Monument and Creation Act” that would limit the power of the president to designate public land as national monuments.

Academy’s Arthur Gochman Leads 2018 NSGA Hall Of Fame Class

The National Sporting Goods Association (NSGA) said the 2018 Sporting Goods Industry Hall of Fame class includes the late Arthur Gochman of Academy Sports + Outdoors, Stan Jurga of All-Star Sporting Goods and Barbara Longstreth of Longstreth Sports.

Hillsound Equipment Celebrates 10 Years

Hillsound Equipment, the producer of winter traction equipment and gaiters for urban and outdoor enthusiasts, is launching a campaign celebrating it 10th anniversary.

Thule’s Chairman To Step Down

Stefan Jacobsson, chairman of the Board of Directors in Thule Group AB, has informed the nomination committee that he will not stand for re-election at the company’s annual general meeting on April 25, 2018.

Peak Global Holdings Agrees To Acquire Maurice Sporting Goods

Maurice Sporting Goods, one of North America’s largest distributors of outdoor sporting goods, announced that Peak Global Holdings, LLC, the parent company of Big Rock Sports, Head Quarters Taxidermy Supply and Bluefield Brands, has signed a letter of intent to acquire the company.