Timberland Co. cut its carbon emissions by 38 percent in the four years. But it missed a 50 percent reduction target, which it is now pushing back to 2015. Overall, its carbon emissions were reduced from 25,599 tons in 2006 to 15,889 tons in 2010.

According to Timberland's climate strategy update, reductions were made through LEED design standards for its stores, lighting retrofits, green IT initiatives, and renewable energy sourcing.

The company, however, said it did not plan for record temperatures (highs and lows) in several regions, which led to an increase in energy consumption for either air conditioning or heat. Emissions from air travel also grew above-plan as business rebounded in 2010. Other challenges included contract issues that kept the company from procuring renewable energy in the amounts it had envisioned, and a solar project for company headquarters is still under financial review.