Thorlo, originator of the Thorlos brand and one of the few sock manufacturing companies to maintain full operations in the USA, has responded to Operation Gratitude’s request to help fill its care packages with 1,000 pairs of clinically-tested padded military socks.

“Thorlo has been responding to requests from our military as well as first responders since the tragedy of 9/11,” says Thorlo founder and CEO Jim Throneburg . “We welcome this opportunity to continue our support as part of our larger troop donation program.”

After 9/11, rescue and recovery teams in New York City had Thorlos on their feet within 36 hours. “The passion of the entire Thorlo community to help others in distress was ignited then, and has remained a powerful driving force,” Throneburg explains. “Knowing that your product can make a difference in people’s quality of life and health is a tremendous feeling that we all share, and redoubles our commitment to being the caretaker of the world’s feet.”

As the volume of requests for Thorlos grew from various sectors, Thorlo refined its donation policy and launched a troop support page on its website. The web page offers consumers an opportunity to share in the giving process by purchasing, at manufacturing cost, one or more pairs of its clinically-tested padded military socks. These padded socks are then donated to our front line troops, through a network of support organizations in the USA and in Afghanistan and Iraq, developed by Thorlo. Each receiving soldier is gifted with three pairs of padded socks and a handiwipe.

Thorlo invites donations from its troops donations web page. Parents are welcome to donate directly to their son’s or daughter’s unit. All donated padded socks go to US troops with a sticker that states, “Donated by Loyal Thorlos Customers, with gratitude and love, for what you do to keep us all safe.”