Talon Grips, the maker of stick-on gun grips, acquired ArachniGrip, the creator of the SlideSpider patented stick-on grip for the slide.

“Once the grip is applied, you can pull the slide back with minimal effort. You can immediately feel the difference whether you are a veteran shooter or new to the sport,” said Mike Morris, president, Talon Grips.

“For years, we have worked with Don and Bob as our products complement each other nicely. It was a logical step for the brands to join forces. They built a solid foundation, and this is a great opportunity for Talon to use our knowledge and offer the best grip for the slide of the firearm, an area that many people struggle to control,” continued Morris.

Don Hoekendorf, co-founder, ArachniGrip, said, “I am very excited to see where Talon (Grips) will take this. They are the leader in this space and have become a household name in firearm grips.”