At the National Athletic Trainers Association Conference Product Learning Theater at the America's Center in St. Louis, Dr. Harry Kerasidis, board certified neurologist and founder of XLNTbrain Inc., introduced XLNTbrain-Sport, the first comprehensive, Internet-based, turnkey sport related concussion management program for student athletes.
According to a statement, XLNTbrain-Sport integrates the most current management guidelines for sport concussion management, including athlete/parent/coach education, baseline neurocognitive testing, smartphone-based sideline assessment tools for concussion detection, and post-concussion assessment tools and trackers, into one, easy-to-use web-based program aimed at concussion prevention, and appropriate care of the concussed athlete to return game play as safely as possible.
Over 300,000 sports and recreation related concussions occur in the US each year. 140,000 of these occur in high school athletes. Concussion accounts for nearly 10% of all high school sports injuries. Sports related concussions are frequently missed or not managed properly. Symptoms of concussion can last for days, weeks or sometimes much longer. We are only now realizing the serious consequences that sports related concussions may have on the young developing brain.
In response to increased awareness of the serious nature of concussion injury in sports, the majority of states in the US have passed legislation mandating concussion awareness and management programs for student athletes. This has left most school systems without the knowledge and resources to develop such programs. “In too many cases, school systems are attempting to comply with these state regulations by providing photocopied 'concussion information fliers' that parents and athletes often blindly sign and return. These measures are simply not sufficient to have a positive effect on reducing concussion injury in our student athletes,” says Dr. Kerasidis.
XLNTbrain-Sport provides the athletic community with educational activities that increase sport concussion awareness and prioritizes recovery from injury over gameplay. XLNTbrain-Sport provides medical professionals the tools in a unique and innovative program to detect concussion on the sidelines, track symptoms and impairment of performance after concussion occurs, and guide the injured athlete to recovery safely and efficiently.